
How long is zoom meeting free
How long is zoom meeting free

You may want to discuss using a virtual background if they don’t want to show where they are. Talk together about what things are appropriate before any calls. family, close friends and other acquaintances. Different topics of conversation or images appropriate for different groups, i.e. Set some ground rules about behaviour on Zoom.Try to come to a compromise and remember that young people want their privacy too. You could also ask that they use it in a shared family space, or in their bedroom with the door open. With the free version of Zoom having a time limit of 40 minutes for more than 3 participants, this could be a natural time limit to stick to. Agree together on an acceptable time limit and place that they can use it. Discuss when, where, and for how long they will use the app.Are there people that you do not want them to talk to? For example, are friends of friends allowed? Set out your expectations before they use it. Discuss with young people who they will chat with on Zoom.It might be safer to set up a separate account for this purpose and make sure that you are present for the beginning of the call. If you decide you are happy to let your child host a meeting via your Zoom account who is under this age, avoid doing this via an account that you may be using for work. Zoom requires users to be aged 16 and over to have an account.You can also set it so that only the host can share their screen. When sharing your screen with other participants, be sure that what you are about to share is appropriate and that you are happy for it to be shared.Make sure you know who it is requesting to attend your meeting. Zoom also has ‘Waiting Room’ set as default – this means that the host has to approve each participant before they join the call.Zoom has password protection for meetings set as default – again, be careful about how you share these meeting passwords.This will help prevent ‘Zoombombing’ (unwelcome or unknown participants attempting to access your meeting and potentially sharing harmful content). Be careful about how you share the link to your meeting.Remain alert about fake Zoom apps, which can contain malicious files.Anyone that knows this ID will be able to join any meeting that you host. When you register with Zoom, you will also be given a Personal Meeting ID – you should avoid making this public.As with any form of online account, make sure that you use a strong and unique password.Zoom are regularly updating and altering their security settings, so it is best to have the latest version. Even if you use the website it will often take you into the app.

How long is zoom meeting free